Just cups of tea (builder’s tea and the all other kinds).

Oh, and some teapots too. And that’s it.

You’re welcome.

This is a VISUAL LIST:
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The tearoom of the small Hove Museum no longer exists. It used to be one of my favourite places to be quiet and read. I remember the nice lady who managed it. I’d get tea and cake, and we would chat.
UK, Hove , Spring 2016
A tiny, quiet little tearoom full of beautiful things and excellent tea. We sat there one morning in silence and drank tea.
Laos, Luang Prabang, Spring 2017
Rainy rainy afternoon around Ground Zero, found a quiet table by the big windows, and had tea
USA, New York City, Spring 2019
Where we went only once though it was so nice
Vietnam, Da Nang, Seven Tea Trà Thất Bodhidhamma, Summer 2018
Tea with B, that morning
Vietnam, Hue, Spring 2019
UK, Hove, Spring 2016
I don’t remember the ingredients of this tea. But it was delicious.
Russia, Moscow, Spring 2019
Calligraphy at Small Batch Coffee Roasters
UK, Hove, Summer 2019
Trà đá, Vietnamese iced tea
Vietnam, Da Nang, Autumn 2018 
With T, the morning after that night on the sea
Italy, Roma, Autumn 2017
Trà đá, Vietnamese iced tea at my favourite breakfast place in Da Nang
Vietnam, Da Nang, Autumn 2018 
Sugardough with M
UK, Brighton, Summer 2019
The Hanoi Social Club
Vietnam, Hanoi, Spring 2017
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That hot day mum and I walked and walked all the way to Soho, then sat down for chilled tea and watched the people go by
USA, New York City, Spring 2019
Small Batch Coffee Roasters
UK, Hove, Spring 2016
Something feels different, and it’s good
Italy, Rovereto, Il Forno di Pitagora, Summer 2020
Tea with B, 43 Factory
Vietnam, Da Nang, Spring 2019
Why Coffee Roastery
Vietnam, Da Nang, Summer 2018
The Hanoi Social Club
Vietnam, Hanoi, Spring 2017
Tea with S
UK, Brighton, Autumn 2017
Thailand, Chiang Mai, Spring 2017
At home
UK, Hove, Spring 2016
UK, Brighton, Spring 2016
Winter 2017
Thailand, Koh Phayam, Spring 2017
Thailand, Koh Phayam, Spring 2017
Tea and chocolate at the Cong Spa
Vietnam, Da Nang, Spring 2019
Winter 2017
The tea gardens of Taipei
Taiwan, Taipei, Summer 2017